State Right to Regulate (Banks) Upheld by U.S. Supreme Court

Today the U.S. Supreme Court held its final session.  Traditionally the tougher cases on its docket are decided the last few days of the court term and today was no exception.  In a close 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court upheld the rights of the states to enforce state laws against discrimination in mortgage lending against…Read More

Indiana Wins Alcohol Regulation Case, U.S. Supreme Court Denies Cert in Baude v. Heath

The U.S. Supreme Court decided Granholm v. Heald, a case concerning the direct shipping of wine shipping in 2005. The Court ruled that a state could not prohibit out-of-state wineries from shipping directly to citizens while allowing in-state wineries to do so. The Supreme Court then denied cert on the Brooks v. Vassar case in…Read More

New Jersey Supreme Court Rules on Dram Shop Liability

Interesting New Jersey Case about Dram Shop Liability was released yesterday.? In the case of Bauer v. Nesbitt the NJ Supreme Court reversed a lower appeals court ruling that held a drinking establishment guilty under the Dram Shop law despite the fact that it did not provide any alcohol to the under aged, intoxicated person. ?…Read More

Important Oral Arguments Held in 5th Circuit Retailer Direct Shipping Matter

Last week in New Orleans the 5th Circuit held oral arguments on the case Siesta Village v.  Perry.  Recall this is one of the three challenges to state laws that require sales to consumers go through licensed in-state retailers. The 2nd Circuit held oral arguments in the similar New York case in January and there is…Read More

Welcome to the Alcohol Law Review

This discussion forum is designed to provide information and discuss the rapidly developing issue of alcohol law and the growing attempts by special interests to have the judiciary determine alcohol laws as opposed to elected officials. There is always something going on in alcohol law and we hope you will visit and contribute to this…Read More