First Guest Column- Why Should The Public Care About Franchise Laws

We’ve had the ability to do guest columns on this website but never utilized it until now.  These guest columns are not to be considered legal advice but rather are thoughts on issues  relating to alcohol law and policy.  The first guest column is brought to us by Mike Madigan, a partner in Madigan, Dahl and Harlan…Read More

US Airways Case Dismissed

Well this case went out with a whimper.  After being remanded to the district court  by the 10th Circuit and having a trial date set for this April,  the parties in the US Airways lawsuit against New Mexico dismissed this case without prejudice.  Recall this case was challenge by US Airways to the propriety of New Mexico alcohol…Read More

7th Circuit Rejects Preemption and Commerce Clause Challenge to Indiana Retail Shipping Laws

In a long and interesting opinion the 7th Circuit ruled against the plaintiffs claiming retail shipping must be treated equally with winery shipping.  Click here for the opinion.   The opinion I am sure will give arguments for both sides of the debate about alcohol regulation but on balance has some nice quotations that bolster those in…Read More

Court Upholds Some, Strikes Some Parts of Texas ABC Code

Yesterday a US District court in Texas ruled on a challenge to various parts of the Texas ABC code.    The decision is here. Judge Sparks struck down three provisions of the Texas ABC code for violating the 1st Amendment right to commercial speech.   He upheld the equal protection and commerce clause challenges to the Texas code. …Read More

Illinois Tax Upheld by IL Supreme Court

Under the category of cleaning up, I realized I had posted the complaint but never follwoed through on this post.    The Illinois Supreme Court rejected the tax increase challenges on liquor and noted it did not violate the state’s single subject rule.  The complaint is here. Sorry for the long delay. (earlier post) Illinois Lawsuit Seeks…Read More