Guest Column: 100 Years After the Failure of Prohibition, the Supreme Court Has Opportunity to Prevent Another Federalization of Alcohol Policy

100 Years After the Failure of Prohibition, the Supreme Court Has Opportunity to Prevent Another Federalization of Alcohol Policy On January 16, 2019 the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case Tennessee Wine and Spirits Retailers Association v. Blair.   January 16th is a critical date in alcohol policy history because on…Read More

Court Review of ABI-SABMiller Merger Complete, Judge Signs Modified Final Judgment

United States District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan ended the two-year journey for approval of the ABI-SABMiller merger by signing the Modified Final Judgment. Judge Sullivan had this case as part of the Tunney Act review of this merger. The Tunney Act process is designed to give judicial oversight of antitrust merger decisions and settlements. As…Read More

11th Annual Center for Alcohol Policy Law and Policy Conference set for October 9-11

The Center for Alcohol Policy will conduct its 11th Annual Law and Policy Conference in St. Paul, Minnesota.  It will start with a reception on October 9, a full day of panels the 10th and finish by noon on the 11th.  The agenda will include many of the issues covered in this alcohol website include…Read More

United States Supreme Court Rules for State in High Profile Remote Sales Tax Case

In a 5-4 decision, the United States Supreme Court ruled for the state of South Dakota against a challenge brought by online/remote retailers.   The decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair, et al reverses a decision by the South Dakota Supreme Court.   The opinion overturns the Court’s earlier opinions from 1992 in Quill and 1967 in Bella Hess…Read More

New Law Review Article Offers Comprehensive Overview of 21st Amendment and the Commerce Clause

A large number of law review articles addressing the 21st Amendment take a very narrow view of the amendment as part of on going policy fights related to alcohol regulation.  So, it is refreshing to see a new law review article that gives a more balanced history on the interaction between the 21st Amendment and…Read More