United States Supreme Court Upholds 6th Circuit and Strikes Tennessee’s Retail Residency Case

Reinforcing the law school adage of “bad facts make bad law,” the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the 6th Circuit decision that struck down Tennessee state law that imposes a durational residency requirement for establishing and renewing a retail liquor license. Justice Alito wrote the majority opinion in the 7-2 decision, while Justice Gorsuch authored the…Read More

Recent Deaths in Dominican Republic Underscore the Need to Maintain a Strong, Closed Alcohol Regulation and Distribution System

The news this month has been filled with news reports of the tragic deaths of 11 Americans while vacationing in the Dominican Republic.   Much of the media attention on these deaths have centered on the possible consumption of poisonous/tainted alcohol by the victims.  While more study is being done and the FBI is now involved,…Read More

12th Annual Center for Alcohol Policy Conference to be Held in Boston August 26 and 27

We are all waiting for the Supreme Court to decide the Tennessee Retailers v. Thomas case.   This case and many other interesting alcohol law issues will be comprehensively addressed at the 12th Annual Center for Alcohol Policy Law and Policy Conference which will be held August 26 and 27th in Boston at the Marriott Copley…Read More

Justice Department Files Brief in Antitrust Case Involving Beer Sales in Canada

This week the Department of Justice filed a brief as Amicus Curiae in support of neither party in the Mountain Crest v. Anheuser-Busch InBev & Molson Coors litigation. This case is currently before the 7th Circuit and the court asked the Justice Department for their views on this interesting legal matter that bridges both antitrust…Read More

Guest Column: 100 Years After the Failure of Prohibition, the Supreme Court Has Opportunity to Prevent Another Federalization of Alcohol Policy

100 Years After the Failure of Prohibition, the Supreme Court Has Opportunity to Prevent Another Federalization of Alcohol Policy On January 16, 2019 the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case Tennessee Wine and Spirits Retailers Association v. Blair.   January 16th is a critical date in alcohol policy history because on…Read More