Illinois State Court Issues Strong Ruling for the Illinois Beer Industry Fair Dealing Act

Illinois Circuit Court Judge Dorothy French Mallen conducted a five-week trial in a dispute from the litigious Shelton Brothers and their attempt to void distribution deals in the state of Illinois.  This case has a long history and originally started with a claim by Shelton Brothers against a distributor it sought to terminate seven years…Read More

One Less Circuit Court Case Reviewing State Alcohol Laws – 10th Circuit Appeal Withdrawn

The Plaintiffs challenging Wyoming state alcohol laws in the 10th Circuit voluntarily withdrew their appeal ending their challenge. Phoenix Vineyards operated a form of “winery Tupperware party” where their representatives would visit houses and drum up support for their wines.  The state of Wyoming noted that this sounded very much like a sale requiring a…Read More

State Attorneys General Call For End to Illegal Alcohol Sales Online

46 State Attorneys General have weighed in with letters to Facebook, Craigslist, and Ebay asking them to take more steps to prevent the illegal sale of alcohol on their platforms. Unlicensed sales risk great harm to public health, alcohol company brands, tax collection and are a growing concern with the growth of counterfeit and fake…Read More

The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts Upholds Law Banning Sales Below Costs Against Challenge from Total Wine

The highest court in Massachusetts has upheld the state law that prevents sales of alcohol below costs.   This case stems from an enforcement action against Massachusetts Fine Wine and Spirits (Total Wine) related to the state definition of cost of liquor.   The Court stated: “We conclude that the plain language of § 2.04(1) requires that…Read More

New Lawsuit in Michigan Claims Arbitrary Enforcement By State of Preempted Wine Law

A lawsuit has been filed in the western district court in Michigan by certain winery and cider interests against a new Michigan law and its enforcement.   Essentially, after many years of deferring to federal wine law, the plaintiffs assert that Michigan has created new vague laws in the area impacting wine production and bonded winery…Read More