United States District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan ended the two-year journey for approval of the ABI-SABMiller merger by signing the Modified Final Judgment. Judge Sullivan had this case as part of the Tunney Act review of this merger. The Tunney Act process is designed to give judicial oversight of antitrust merger decisions and settlements. As…Read More
Court Review of ABI-SABMiller Merger Complete, Judge Signs Modified Final Judgment
New Law Review Article Offers Comprehensive Overview of 21st Amendment and the Commerce Clause
A large number of law review articles addressing the 21st Amendment take a very narrow view of the amendment as part of on going policy fights related to alcohol regulation. So, it is refreshing to see a new law review article that gives a more balanced history on the interaction between the 21st Amendment and…Read More
Center for Alcohol Policy’s Law and Policy Conference set for September 10 and 11, 2015 in Chicago.
The Center for Alcohol Policy (CAP) Eighth Annual Alcohol Law and Policy Conference will be held September 9-11, 2015, at the Hyatt Chicago Magnificent Mile in Chicago, Illinois. The conference starts with an informal evening reception on the 9th. The conference will take place all day the 10th and conclude at noon on the 11th….Read More
KY ABC Issues Letter Indicating Conditional Approval for ABInBev to Own Owensboro Distributor
The KY ABC issued a letter to ABI conditionally approving their license to become the owner of the Owensboro ABInBev distributor. The Malt Beverage Administrator noted that this application is “the most controversial in Department history.” As a result she listed many concerns and questions in her four page letter. She noted that much information is…Read More
UPDATED – Guest Column- A Different View of Some Alcohol Industry Statistics
Update: Recently the Brewers Association updated its private count of breweries. According to BA records, it noted that there are 2,822 breweries of which they count 2,768 as “craft” breweries. However, 45% of these craft breweries are actually brewpubs and are more like restaurants in many ways. Likewise only 119 breweries (4%) are larger than 15,000…Read More