KY ABC Issues Letter Indicating Conditional Approval for ABInBev to Own Owensboro Distributor

The KY ABC issued a letter to ABI conditionally approving their license to become the owner of the Owensboro ABInBev distributor.  The Malt Beverage Administrator noted that this application is “the most controversial in Department history.”  As a result she listed many concerns and questions in her four page letter.   She noted that much information is…Read More

Guest Column- Marijuana Debate Rekindles Discussion on How Alcohol Is Regulated

There has been much discussion surrounding marijuana regulation and a stated goal of a need “to regulate marijuana like alcohol.” The pros and cons of marijuana legalization are far beyond the scope of this column, but a deeper dive into the goals and purposes of alcohol regulation is something that is often missing from the…Read More

Kentucky Retail Challenge To Liquor Sales Dismissed With Prejudice – Over for Now

The long and winding trip of the Maxwell’s Pic Pac v. Dehner lawsuit seeking to expand liquor sales outlets is finally settled- at least for now.  The 90 days for plaintiffs to seek United States Supreme Court review has passed without an appeal. Judge Heyburn signed the order dismissing the matter with prejudice. The plaintiffs tried to  seek…Read More

KPMG Updates Beer Tax Administration Study and Concludes Alcohol Regulatory System Helps American Beer Taxes Get Collected

An updated report on beer tax administration was conducted by  KPMG Tax Managing Director, State and Local Tax Harley Duncan, formerly head of the Federation of Tax Administrators.  In this study KPMG noted a number of excise, sales and other tax rate changes enacted in various states in the past five years, but more importantly…Read More

UPDATED – Guest Column- A Different View of Some Alcohol Industry Statistics

Update: Recently the Brewers Association updated its private count of breweries.   According to BA records, it noted that there are 2,822 breweries of which they count 2,768 as “craft” breweries.    However, 45% of these craft breweries are actually brewpubs and are more like restaurants in many ways.  Likewise only 119 breweries (4%) are larger than 15,000…Read More