Judge Grants Utah’s Motion to Dismiss Hospitality Association Case

Judge Jenkins held oral argument on the motion to dismiss and granted Plaintiff’s motion to dismiss.   I only have a transcript summary  here.   It dismisses the case but notes that the plaintiff has 20 days to amend the complaint.  Press coverage of the hearing indicates the judge was quite skeptical of the claims underlying the…Read More

Florida Rules Against Burger King Whopper Bars Due to Common Ownership With Supplier

The Florida Division of Alcohol Beverage and Tobacco issued an important ruling reinforcing tied house restrictions in Florida.   In a detailed examination of the common ownership of Anheuser-Busch Inbev and the company controlling Burger King.   Specifically, several of the Brazilian shareholders with the controlling interest in the brewery also have the control of the retailer.    This…Read More

No Emergency Stay of I-1183. Implementation Continues while WA S.Ct Readies to Hear Appeal

Sorry about the very brief post here.    A Washington State Supreme Court Commissioner has chosen not to grant an injunction against the state for implementation.   Next step, the full Supreme Court of Washington State. Here is his opinion denying the request.  The final lap of this long race will now be before the full Washington Supreme Court with…Read More

US Airways Case Dismissed

Well this case went out with a whimper.  After being remanded to the district court  by the 10th Circuit and having a trial date set for this April,  the parties in the US Airways lawsuit against New Mexico dismissed this case without prejudice.  Recall this case was challenge by US Airways to the propriety of New Mexico alcohol…Read More

7th Circuit Rejects Preemption and Commerce Clause Challenge to Indiana Retail Shipping Laws

In a long and interesting opinion the 7th Circuit ruled against the plaintiffs claiming retail shipping must be treated equally with winery shipping.  Click here for the opinion.   The opinion I am sure will give arguments for both sides of the debate about alcohol regulation but on balance has some nice quotations that bolster those in…Read More