Court Upholds Some, Strikes Some Parts of Texas ABC Code

Yesterday a US District court in Texas ruled on a challenge to various parts of the Texas ABC code.    The decision is here. Judge Sparks struck down three provisions of the Texas ABC code for violating the 1st Amendment right to commercial speech.   He upheld the equal protection and commerce clause challenges to the Texas code. …Read More

Illinois Tax Upheld by IL Supreme Court

Under the category of cleaning up, I realized I had posted the complaint but never follwoed through on this post.    The Illinois Supreme Court rejected the tax increase challenges on liquor and noted it did not violate the state’s single subject rule.  The complaint is here. Sorry for the long delay. (earlier post) Illinois Lawsuit Seeks…Read More

Center for Alcohol Policy Legal Symposium Set for September 11-13 in Chicago

The 4th annual legal symposium is set for September 11-13 in Chicago.  The meeting starts with a reception Sunday night the 11th.  The meeting will last all day Monday the 12th and end around noon on the 13th. The keynote address will be by Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna.  Attorney General McKenna is currently chairman…Read More

Starving Lawyers and Oeniphiles Can’t Survive on $675,000.

Hat tip to Karin Moore at the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America for the developments up in Massachusetts. Wow.  “Rare” wine collectors and their law firms are crying foul that they were awarded “only” $675,000 in fees and expenses for the 1st Circuit volume cap matter.  They have filed this notice of appeal of…Read More

New Federal Legislation Introduced to Address Litigation Against States

As readers of this blog note, there are many forms of alcohol litigation across the country.    To address one vein of the litigation, Congress has introduced H.R. 1161 the Community Alcohol Regulatory Effectiveness  (CARE) Act.    This legislation is similar to a manager’s amendment  to last year’s bill offered toward the end of the 111th Congress….Read More